bit by bit -> byte by byte

My project videos about CV and Robotics.

Multi-rgbd pointcloud registration with octomap visualization

Using 3 realsense D435 cameras

ROS Omni-directional AMR at home

Custom ROS kinematics package

360' Camera Drone Test Flight

Wish there is live video feed out for onboard processing

Points above the ground are all considered as obstacles.

RGBD -> ROS PointCloud2

Dexnet GQCNN Baxter Integration Final Video

Baxter (EOL) is up again with my noetic python3 update.

Ubuntu 20.04 ROS Noetic Moveit Rviz Python3

Dexnet with Panda Robot Gazebo simula

ROS Moveit Task Constructor

Hand Eye Calibration Result Verification using PointCloud and RobotModel

Calibration obtained by MoveIt Calibration package